Monday, December 3, 2018

Assorted Links on mortality

  1. The case for monitoring life-span inequality, via José Manuel Aburto

  2. Mortality from road crashes in 193 countries: a comparison with other leading causes of death, ht Romulo Krafta

  3. The slowing pace of life expectancy gains since 1950

  4. How life expectancy in U.S. counties compares to other countries via Simon Kuestenmacher

  5. R package: mortAAR, for archeological demography. It provides functions for the analysis of archaeological mortality data See Chamberlain (2006). There is a vignette on Lifetables and an Extended Discussion

  6. R package: MortalityLaws, for downloading data from the Human Mortality Database and building parametric mortality models and life tables, by Marius Pascariu

  7. R package: MortCast, for estimating and Projecting of age-specific mortality rates, by Hana Sevcikova, Nan Li and Patrick Gerland (paper here) - via Adrian Raftery‏

  8. Beautiful Lexis-surface plot showing age and period specific mortality ratios of females and males, by Jonas Schöley (interactive version at the Human Mortality Explorer)

image credit: Jonas Schöley