
NOTE: This website has moved to a new address at This content has not been updated since April 2020.

In case you cannot access a publication listed below, send me an e-mail and I'll be glad to send you the PDF. Full list of publications in Google Scholar profile and my CV.

Selected Publications


10. (2017). Distributive justice and equity in transportation | Transport Reviews [pdf]

8. (2016) Mortality differentials according to schooling in Brazilian adults in 2010 | Cadernos de Saúde Pública [In Portuguese]

6. (2014) Household expenditure on urban transport in Brazil, 2003 and 2009 | Revista dos Transportes Públicos [In Portuguese]

5. (2013) A demographic projection of engineering labor force in Brazil through 2020 | Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População [In Portuguese]

4. (2013) Urban Centrality: A Simple Index | Geographical Analysis | code on Github

Books Edited
  1. (2011) Urban-Regional Dynamics:Urban Network and its Interfaces. Ed. 1. ed. Brasília: Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada, V.1. 490p., joint with B. Furtado [Portuguese]

Book Chapters (in Portuguese only)
  1. (2015) Network of cities and economic integration in Brazil and South America (with Furtado, B. Pego, B. Galindo, E and Borges, L.) in Rede Urbana e Integração Produtiva no Brasil e na América do Sul, Edited by Furtado, B. and Pego, B. Cepal, Ipea, Ipardes. V.1 p.9-38
  2. (2013) The spatial distribution of skilled labor force in Brazil (with A. Maciente and P. Nascimento) in Brasil em Desenvolvimento 2013 - Estado, Planejamento e Políticas Públicas, Edited by Boueri and Costa. Ipea. V.2 p.421-440
  3. (2013) Revisiting the delimitation of metropolitan boundaries in Brazil (with M.L. Castello Branco and V. Nadalin) in Território metropolitano, políticas municipais: por soluções conjuntas de problemas urbanos no âmbito metropolitano, edited by Furtado, Krause and França. Ipea. V.1 p.115-154
  4. (2012) Current Situation and Prospects of the Federal Program for Supporting Municipal Urban Management (with Costa, Galindo and Balbim) in Federalismo à Brasileira: questões para discussão, edited by Linhares, Mendes and Lassance. Ipea. V.8, p.59-84
  5. (2011) Conceptual basis for the Brazilian urban network: a literature review (with C. Egler, Mendes and Furtado) in Urban-Regional Dynamics: Urban Network and its Interfaces, edited by Pereira and Furtado. Ipea. V.1 p.25-46
  6. (2011) Urban network studies and guidance for planning: public and private sectors perceptions (with Matteo) in Urban-Regional Dynamics: Urban Network and its Interfaces, edited by Pereira and Furtado. Ipea. V.1 p.47-60
  7. (2011) Commuting: a typology proposal (with V. Herrero) in Estudos demográficos na Argentina e Brasil: resultados de cooperação entre estudantes e docentes da Unicamp e UNC. Campinas, edited by Aidar and Pelaez. SPU/AR and CAPES/BR. V.1, p.106-127
  8. (2010) Current Situation and Prospects of the Federal Program for Supporting Municipal Urban Management (with Costa, Galindo and Balbim) in Brasil em Desenvolvimento: Estado, planejamento e políticas públicas, edited by Cardoso Jr. Ipea. V.III, p.689-711
  9. (2010) Urban Mobility in Brazil (with Carvalho, Vasconcellos, Galindo and Neto) inInfraestrutura Social e Urbana no Brasil: subsídios para uma agenda de pesquisa e formulação de políticas públicas, edited by M. Morais and M. Costa. Ipea. V.2, p.549-592
  10. (2009) Brazilian Urban Policies and the Federal Constitution of 1988 (with Morais, Rego, Carvalho Jr and Araujo) in A Constituição Brasileira de 1988 Revisitada: Recuperação Histórica e Desafios Atuais das Políticas Públicas nas Áreas Regional, Urbana e Ambiental, edited by Cardoso Jr.. Castro and Motta. Ipea. V.2, p.117-158
  11. (2009) Recent performance of federal programs for public transport and urban mobility (with Barros, Morais and Rego) in Brasil em desenvolvimento: Estado, planejamento e políticas públicas, edited by Cardoso Jr. Ipea. V.2, p.451-469

Discussion papers and reports
  1. (2019) Distributive Justice and Equity in Transportation: legacy of mega events and inequalities in access to opportunities in Rio de Janeiro (Discussion Paper IPEA nº. 2464).[A summary of my PhD thesis in Portuguese]
  2. (2019) Monitoring the Brazilian progress with the SDG 11: Sustainable cities and communities - baseline of indicators.[Portuguese]
  3. (2013) Revisiting the delimitation of metropolitan boundaries in Brazil. Rio de Janeiro: Ipea (Discussion Paper IPEA nº. 1860).[Portuguese]
  4. (2013) Pricing and Funding Public Transport in Brazil. Brasília: Ipea (Nota técnica Nº2). [Portuguese]
  5. (2013) Commute Time in Brazil (1992-2009): Differences Between Metropolitan Areas, by Income Levels and Gender. Brasília: Ipea (Discussion Paper IPEA nº.1813). [Portuguese and English]
  6. (2012) The changing demographics of Brazilian workforce. Brasília: Ipea (Boletim Mercado de trabalho: conjuntura e análise / Ipea e MTE, Nº51). [Portuguese]
  7. (2011) The Use of Space Syntax in Urban Transport Analysis: Limits and Potentials. Brasília: Ipea ( Discussion Paper IPEA nº. 1630). [Portuguese and English]
  8. (2011) Transport and urban mobility. Brasília: CEPAL. Escritório no Brasil/ IPEA (Discussion Paper CEPAL-IPEA, Nº34). [Portuguese]
  9. (2009) Commuting: a typology proposal. Brasília: Ipea (Discussion Paper IPEA nº. 1395). [Portuguese]

PhD Thesis:

My doctoral research concentrated on questions of distributive justice and transportation equity. It focused on the distributional effects of transport policies/investments on social and spatial inequalities in access to opportunities. The four-paper thesis is grounded on a theoretical discussion of leading contemporary philosophical theories of justice, mainly Rawls’ egalitarianism and Capability Approaches. The methodology developed in the thesis contributes to accessibility measurement in multimodal transport networks using GTFS data to assess the distributional effects of transportation policies on accessibility inequalities in both ex-post evaluations of implemented projects but also in ex-ante scenario analysis of projects in their early planning stages. The research further develops three case studies to discuss the equity implications of the transport legacies from sports mega-events in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and analyze of who benefited from the new transport developments in the city.
  • 1st paper:
    Pereira, R. H., Schwanen, T., and  Banister, D. (2017). Distributive justice and equity in transportationTransport Reviews, 37(2), 170-191. [pdf]

    This paper reviews five key theories of justice and critically evaluates the insights they generate when applied to transport policies. Based on a dialogue between Rawlsian egalitarianism and Capability Approaches, it proposes a justice framework to evaluate the distributive effects of transport policies focusing on accessibility as a human capability.

  • 2nd paper:
    Pereira, R H. (2018) Transport legacy of mega-events and the redistribution of accessibility to urban destinationsCities [pdf]

    This paper brings together the debates on the role of mega-events in urban development and transportation equity. The paper argues that evaluations of the social impacts of mega-events should take into account the distributional effects of the transport legacies they create, looking particularly at how such transport developments reshape sociospatial inequalities of access to opportunities. The empirical analysis focuses on the city of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and the transformations in the city’s transport system in preparation for the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games. The study estimates how such transport developments have changed the the number of people from different income levels who could access Olympic sports venues and healthcare facilities via public transport. The analysis uses a before-and-after comparison of Rio’s transport network (2014-2017) and a quasi-counterfactual scenario to separate the effects of newly added infrastructure from the reorganization and cuts of transport services. The results show that the infrastructure expansion alone would have increased the number of people who could access the Olympic sports venues but it would have only marginally improved people’s access to healthcare facilities. The analysis show that the accessibility benefits from Rio's transport legacy generally accrued to middle- and higher-income groups, reinforcing existing patterns of urban inequality.

  • 3rd paper:
    Pereira, R H., Banister, D., Schwanen, T., Wessel, N. (2019) Distributional effects of transport policies on inequalities in access to opportunities in Rio de JaneiroJournal of Transport and Land Use[pdf]

    This paper examines how recent investments and disinvestments in Rio de Janeiro’s public transport system between 2014 and 2017 have impacted people from different income groups in terms of their access to schools and job opportunities. Based on a before-and-after comparison and quasi-counterfactual analysis of Rio’s public transport, spatial cluster and regression models were used to estimate the distributive effects of those transport policies on accessibility inequalities and to test whether these effects are robust when accessibility analysis is conducted using different geographical scales and zoning schemes. Our findings suggest that, contrary to the official discourses of transport legacy, recent transport policies in Rio have exacerbated rather than reduced socio-spatial inequalities in access to opportunities.

  • 4th paper:

    This study illustrates how ex-ante accessibility analysis can be used to anticipate the likely accessibility impacts of transportation project scenarios in their early planning stages. The paper evaluates two scenarios of full and partial construction of the TransBrasil BRT corridor, currently under development in Rio de Janeiro. The results suggest that the TransBrasil corridor stands out as a far more equitable investment that promotes larger accessibility gains for lower-income groups when compared to other recent transport investments in Rio. Nonetheless, the size of the accessibility impacts of the proposed BRT as well as its distribution across income classes would significantly change depending on the time threshold chosen for the accessibility analysis. This BRT project would have larger and more progressive accessibility impacts under shorter travel-time thresholds of 30 and 60 minutes, while it would bring smaller and more neutral accessibility gains for longer travel times of 90 and 120 minutes. The results indicate that the conclusion of an equity assessment of transport projects as well as the size of their accessibility impacts can significantly vary depending on the time threshold chosen for the cumulative opportunity accessibility analysis.