Sunday, March 24, 2019

GTFS rotuer in R

For those interested in public transport research and planning, there is a new R package to do public transport routing using GTFS data. The gtfs-router package uses the power of C++ and it is quite efficient. This is only the release version of the package (0.01), though. There is a lot of room for improvements but I hope gtfs-router becomes a strong competitor to OpenTripPlanner in a couple of years.

The package was created by Mark Padgham (twitter), who is the author of/contributor to various other transport-related packages such as dodgrbikedata and osmdata. Kudos to Mark!

ps. The capabilities of R for transport research and planning are greater than never. There is a very vibrant and active community with dozens of other packages. Perhaps this should be the topic for a future post.

image credit: Rstudio and smtd