I've spent a few hours yesterday testing OpenTripPlanner to model transport accessibility by different transport modes in Swedish major metro areas, Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo. This is part of a project where I'm collaborating with colleagues from Lund University and K2 - The Swedish Knowledge Centre for Public Transport. Jean Ryan, Anders Wretstrand and I are engaging with the human capabilities approach and conducting a comparative study of transport accessibility of elderly people. Stay tuned.
Latter this year, I will post a detailed step-by-step + code of how I've been conducting accessibility analysis for my PhD and other projects. In short, I estimate travel-time matrices using OpenTripPlanner (I explain how to do this on GitHub). I then process the travel-time matrices with other spatial data in R, mainly using the super fast data.table library and make the plots using ggplot2 and ggmap.
click on the image to enlarge it
Here are a couple of our recent publications related to this topic:
- Ryan, J., Wretstrand, A., & Schmidt, S. M. (2015). Exploring public transport as an element of older persons' mobility: A Capability Approach perspective. Journal of transport geography, 48, 105-114.
- Pereira, R. H. M., Schwanen, T., & Banister, D. (2017). Distributive justice and equity in transportation. Transport Reviews, 37(2), 170–191.