Wednesday, June 29, 2016

6th Anniversary of Urban Demographics !

On this 25th of June I celebrated the 6th Anniversary of Urban Demographics blog. It has been a really valuable resource  of procrastination  as a personal repository of papers, maps and texts I find interesting. Thanks for all the readers \o/

Here are some stats that show a summary of the blog over the past year. Please, feel free to drop me a line with suggestions on how to improve the blog. If you have any criticisms, please direct them to this other blog here.

  • 153 posts, an average of 3 posts per week 
  • 40,088 visits, an average of 11 visits per day
  • 3,865 followers on Twitter
  • 1,834 likes on Facebook 
  • 275 rss subscribers

Where do readers come from? (170 Countries, or 4,513 Cities)
  1. United States (29.1%) 
  2. Brazil (14.3%) 
  3. United Kingdom (9.6%) 
  4. Germany (3.4%) 
  5. Canada (2.9%) 
  6. India (2.7%)
  7. other countries (38%) Not many readers in Siberia no Greenland though