Saturday, August 1, 2015

Some Demographic Assorted Links

  1. The UN has recently released the 2015 Revision of World Population Prospects (via Bernardo Queiroz)

  2. Cutting edge research behind new population projections

  3. Can Demography Affect Inflation and Monetary Policy? (via MR)

  4. Which countries have the most immigrants?

  5. There are now at least two good open access journals in demography/population studies. The well known Demographic Research (twitter) , and the new International Journal of Population Studies (twitter)

  6. The new Institute for Asian Demographic Research, in Shanghai (via Emilio Zagheni)

  7. In celebration to World Population Day (11th of July), Springer and BioMed have made freely available a selection of free articles that investigate the consequences of the ever increasing population on health, migration and the environment. These papers will be freely available until September 10, 2015

  8. Nice piece in the NYT on the The Unrealized Horrors of Population Explosion

  9. A great series of GIFs showing demographic changes in different counties (ht Conrad Hackett)

[image credit: Laird Research]