Friday, February 20, 2015

An Agent-Based Simulation of the Urban Growth in Latin American cities

Barros, Joana (2012). Exploring urban dynamics in Latin American cities using an agent-based simulation approach. In Agent-based models of geographical systems (pp. 571-589). Springer Netherlands. [Ungated version here, and PhD Thesis here]

This paper focuses on a specific kind of urban growth that happens in Latin American cities, called 'Peripherisation'. This is characterised by the formation of low-income residential areas in the peripheral ring of the city and a perpetuation of a dynamic core-periphery spatial pattern. The dynamics of growth and change in Latin American cities are explored using agent-based simulation. The objective is to increase the understanding of urban spatial phenomena in Latin American cities, which is essential to providing a basis for future planning actions and policies. Simulation exercises were used to revisit assumptions about urbanisation issues in Latin American cities and investigate important aspects of growth and change in these cities. These exercises allowed the problem of urban growth in Latin American cities to be unfolded through their dynamics, relating these dynamics to urban morphology, and thus presenting a new and important perspective on the phenomenon.