- All papers published in Nature will be made free to read in screen-view format (ht Cheli Cresswell)
- The world's most beautiful metro stations in pictures
- Nature explores the most-cited research of all time
- Mind-blowing post "Visualizing Algorithms" (ht Andy Boneau)
- Louis Smith has written a great piece to celebrate the 100th anniversary Lina Bo Bardi, the Italian architect who designed MASP in Sao Paulo and the Bowl Chair
- Some common ways we're misled with charts
- Migrants account for 70% of the increase in working-age population in OECD area
- How big is #67P? Compare size of the comet with cities across Europe
- World population predictions keep getting upward revisions these days (ht Sander Wagner)
[click on the image to enlarge it]
[image credit: Scientific American]