Today marks the fourth anniversary of Urban Demographics Blog! And blogging still makes up for an important part of my procrastination learning !
Here are some stats that show a summary of the blog and its readers over the past year:
- 190 posts
- 306 subscribers
- 31,898 visitors
- 51,249 visits
- 1,085 likes on Facebook
- 1,572 followers on Twitter
The most popular posts:
- Making 3D Maps in Excel
- Subway systems of Rio and Shanghai 1993-2013
- The most cited authors in Sociology
- Urban Density Patterns in 9 Global Cities
- Population Density Maps
- 200 years of Urban Expansion
- IPUMS-International and Brazilian census microdata
- Accessibility Observatory + GTFS data
- Global Innovation and Diffusion in Public Transport
- If Christaller had Google Earth
Where do readers come from (Top 5)? (175 Countries, 4,665 Cities)
- United States (29%)
- Brazil (16%)
- United Kingdom (8%)
- Germany (4%)
- Canada (3%)
And the Top 5 sites that sent visitors here:
- Google (24%)
- Direct traffic to the blog (24%)
- Facebook (20%)
- Twitter (9%)
- Feedburner (3%)
Thanks everyone for the support and suggestions via comments and emails !