Hi all. I'm flying to Boston in the next few days to participate at the AAG conference.
ps. In case you're in Boston next week and would like grab a coffee beer, drop me line or a tweet.
I'm very excited about this because I'll participate in a panel with Susan Fainstein and others. In the panel, I'll be talking about transportation equity and accessibility in the just city. My talk will be based on the 1st paper of my thesis and some future research questions on the topic.
I will also be at the session 3650 presenting the preliminary results of the 2nd paper of my thesis, where I analyze the distributional impacts of the transport legacy of recent mega-events in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) in terms of their impacts in inequalities in access to opportunities. The paper combines population census data with geolocated time-tables in GTFS format in order to conduct a before-and-after comparison of Rio's public transport system between 2014 and 2017. The paper examines how the newly implemented transport investments have reconfigured the catchment areas of the Olympic sports venues and of healthcare facilities by public transport and walking, looking specifically at how the population composition within those areas has changed in terms of income categories.
The other papers of my PhD will focus on inequalities in accessibility to employment and educational opportunities, adding some new elements regarding methods and theoretical discussions. More info to come as I make progress on the research.
The other papers of my PhD will focus on inequalities in accessibility to employment and educational opportunities, adding some new elements regarding methods and theoretical discussions. More info to come as I make progress on the research.
ps. In case you're in Boston next week and would like grab a