Thursday, November 26, 2015

Revise and Resubmit

How motivated I am with a 'revise/resubmit' decision after six months of submitting the paper.

credit: Kostas Siozios

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Where do women have Maternity leave and Who pays for it

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Exploring 1.1 Billion NYC Taxi and Uber Trips

Todd Schneider has posted a thorough analysis of 1.1 Billion NYC Taxi and Uber Trips where he explores the city's neighbourhoods, night-life, airport traffic etc. You can replicated all that using publicly available data, R, PostgreSQL and PostGIS. GitHub repository here.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Programming Music with Punched Cards

I've just learned this 'instrument' is called a fairground organ. This is as hipster as you can get with coding.

ps. in case you're under 30, there is a high chance you don't know what a Punched Card is. You might like reading this.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Walking Tube map, or the most important map when you are in London

Map of the  last  week: Transport for London (TFL) has recently published new map that shows how long it takes to walk between stations on the London Tube (a.k.a. underground or subway).

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Spatial + Temporal patterns of bike sharing in Moscow

Urbica (a design company based in Moscow) have done a great job in analyzing the spatial and temporal patterns of bike sharing in Moscow (ht Andrey Karmatsky). To our delight, their source code is available on GitHub.

I would highly recommend you to  procrastinate on  check their website. You can also read a nice summary of their results here.

ps. You might want to check a few related links at the bottom of this post.

Quote of the Day

"Each of us knows that some of our opinions are wrong, and none of us know which they are. For if we did, they would not be our opinions."
John Stuart Mill

Monday, November 9, 2015

Measuring segregation using patterns of daily travel behavior

Mental note: New paper in my reading list. Big names from transport/geography studies pushing the boundaries of segregation research by going beyond the debate on residential segregation. 

Farber, S., O'Kelly, M., Miller, H. J., & Neutens, T. (2015). Measuring segregation using patterns of daily travel behavior: A social interaction based model of exposure. Journal of Transport Geography, 49, 26-38.

Recent advances in transportation geography demonstrate the ability to compute a metropolitan scale metric of social interaction opportunities based on the time-geographic concept of joint accessibility. The method we put forward in this article decomposes the social interaction potential (SIP) metric into interactions within and between social groups, such as people of different race, income level, and occupation. This provides a novel metric of exposure, one of the fundamental spatial dimensions of segregation. In particular, the SIP metric is disaggregated into measures of inter-group and intra-group exposure. While activity spaces have been used to measure exposure in the geographic literature, these approaches do not adequately represent the dynamic nature of the target populations. We make the next step by representing both the source and target population groups by space–time prisms, thus more accurately representing spatial and temporal dynamics and constraints. Additionally, decomposition of the SIP metric means that each of the group-wise components of the SIP metric can be represented at zones of residence, workplace, and specific origin–destination pairs. Consequently, the spatial variation in segregation can be explored and hotspots of segregation and integration potential can be identified. The proposed approach is demonstrated for synthetic cities with different population distributions and daily commute flow characteristics, as well as for a case study of the Detroit–Warren–Livonia MSA.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

The Racial Dot Map of Rio de Janeiro

A while ago, I've posted some of Bill Rankin's maps on segregation for different cities in the USA. Those maps got a lot public attention because they were innovative in the way they depicted racial segregation by  representing each individual as one single dot and each ethnicity as a different color. Needless to say this approach gives a much better visual effect than traditional choropleth maps.

Inspired in Rankin's map, Nicolau de Gusmão (geography student from Sao Paulo) has created in a racial dot map of Rio. Pretty neat. He used data from the 2010 population census and he created the map using QGIS. His post is written in Portuguese, but you don't need to speak the language to appreciate the maps and get your own conclusion about segregation levels in Rio.